(English) SnusAB

Alles zum Thema Snus

Moderatoren: Longcut, General, Michael

Beitragvon coldstone am 29.03.2005, 09:02

hoffentlich finde ich hier ein paar englisch sprachige dipper, die mir helfen können... ich frage mich, was ihr alle von SnusAB haltet. ich habe einige dosen SnusAB bestellt und sie sollten bald ankommen. ich mag die tatsache, dass dieser sogar einen niedrigeren TSNA - wert [nitrosamin, nehme ich an] hat, als Swedish Match produkte, jedoch frage ich mich, wie er schmeckt. bestellt habe ich Lemon-Licorice [zitrone-lakritz], Cognac [ahjo, verständlich] und Groovy (Original) [wasauchimmer]. ich frage mich jetzt, was ihr alle von diesen geschmackssorten haltet. ich warte gespannt darauf, etwas von dem SnusAB probieren zu können, er hat nur .5 ug/g TSNA, welches ein sehr geringer wert ist [achwas... snus halt].

Houston, Texas USA

humm... personally I don't like flavoured snus, so I cannot help you out with personal experiences... onlything I can tell you definitely, is that generally swedish Snus has low TSNA amounts in it and therefore is less cancerogenic than the american stuff *g*... the manufacturing method is just a different one (american dip = fermented tobacco "let it rot" --> creates cancerogene stuff... and sweden snus = boiled down tobacco --> more healthy... there is a good english description at http://www.gothiatek.com)

my preferences are atm the brands "General" and "Grovsnus"... i also ordered one can of "skruf." (sorta 'new' brand on the market) but i wasn't able to try it yet... the general has a pretty tough grip on me this week :)

some dip fans around this board describe the taste of non flavoured snus as "birdcrapped potting soil" but since it is commonly known that snus-ers are more macho than anybody else here (on this board), we would rather describe it as "wonderful tasting ambrosia" :lol:

I tried "skruf. tranbär" once... it is errrm... cranberry flavor iirc... but since I prefer the potting soil flavor I am not to much into it :)

btw... mr. Longcut is a passionate dipper and my "arch enemy" (in a very sarcastic way)... we should look forward to his reply to this topic *g*

oh and sorry because of my poor english... it's just... I didn't sleep the last 32 hours and the Snus just kicks in a bit more than usual

In Snus we trust :)
Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 18.03.2005, 18:14

Beitragvon replacaun am 29.03.2005, 14:08

"krautisize" looool
Beiträge: 573
Registriert: 08.04.2004, 23:57
Wohnort: München

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